Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There Will be (More) Blood

Why True Blood Doesn't Suffer From the Sophomore Slump
Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Samantha Who?. Television series like these received such a big buzz during their first seasons, but headed south the second year around. And there is a large dossier of other shows that have fallen under this same fate. But not True Blood. Its sophomore season is filled to the brim with great writing, the perfect amount of drama, and terrifying characters.

Why it Sucks You in (Pardon the Pun)
It glamours us with story lines. True Blood does a wonderful job of making sure each episode brings you in at the show's opening before completely shutting you out by the credits. Is Layfayette going to become a vampire? Is Sam really going to die by a sacrificial killing??? Did Luke just blow everyone up??????? These questions are left to ponder through seven torturous days. True Blood fans are actually counting down to Sunday night--even though the workweek begins come sunrise (vampires have all the luck).

What Lies Ahead:
Great upcoming stars. Evan Rachel Wood makes her appearance on August 30, playing the vampire leader of Louisiana: Queen Sophie Ann. "Nobody’s ever entirely happy to see her," series creator Alan Ball tells Entertainment Weekly. "She’s very powerful, capricious, and most likely insane." And she's around the rest of this season--and the next one, too (which means True Blood has been picked up for a third season. Yay!).

The Eric/Sookie/Bill love triangle. This is a big arc in the True Blood book series and Ball promises that we will see it on the small screen...soon! Just another reason to look forward Sunday nights!

If you have not become a fang-banger, it's never too late. The first season is available on DVD and iTunes and the second season is also available on iTunes and can be viewed On Demand for Comcast customers.


  1. TRUE BLOOD SUCKS!!! Sucks you in that is..I am completely obsessed. Bill and Sookie's seduction dance, Tara's spice, Lafayette's sass, and lets not forget Jason Stackhouse and his tap dance of stupidity. And Eric, oh Eric...he can suck on me anytime! hahahahahah!

  2. Hehe. I know...Eric is HOT. And Layfayette is a crack up! In the book he was supposed to die, but he is so popular on the show that they let him live. Yay!!!
